For Busy Moms

Create Winning Weeks with Simple, Stress-Free Systems That Actually Work

Establishing simple systems is the fastest, easiest way to

find balance between the things you need and

want to do without neglecting the people that

matter most even with limited time and energy.

"I have balance between homeschooling, my business, family fun and responsibilities"

"Before Win Your Week Academy I was drowning in urgent tasks and while I might have flexibility in my days, I wasn't getting ahead in my weeks and month. I felt a lot of pressure trying to figure out running a business and homeschooling.

With Win Your Week Academy I got the clarity I needed to take my next steps in the different areas of my life I wanted to nurture.

I made incredible progress in my business and homeschool while keeping a good balance with the family life we want. And this is all while moving and getting settled in a new home!"

- Linsey Jensen

"I have the confidence to dream big dreams and know that I have the ability to make them a reality."

"Before Win Your Week Academy my days were busy and at the end of the day, week and month I had nothing to show for all the hustle and bustle.
Now I have the ability to create a goal and make it happen.

I was intentional about home projects and had them completed in a less stressful manner due to pre-planning. I wanted to be intentional about family and work life, and my husband and I both made job changes and schedule adjustments to make our life more family centered.

Being able to make this happen not only impacted our lives this year but in a positive way for years to come. My children will have memories with their parents not childcare or of their parents always working. We have been able to adventure as a family making even stronger family bonds. It has also lead to more intentional family routines, budgeting, and health.

I am truly a better person on several different levels due to this program."

- Kathryn Heinz

If you're a mom trying to figure out how to manage all the things — dishes, laundry, meals, picking up, school while also trying to:

  • Stay off your phone

  • Have quality time with your kids

  • Connect with your spouse

  • Plan and execute family traditions

  • Keep the toddler off the table, out of the toilet, from drawing on too many walls, from wandering away from home

It’s no wonder you might not be getting to the end of your to-do list or making heaps of progress on your goals.

You have a lot you are already doing - and probably doing those things well.

But it doesn't feel like it, right?

It feels like surviving.

Because the things that matter to you aren't getting done or moving forward.

But there's hope. I want to tell you a quick story about how I've been there, and gotten to the other side...and the secret was a few simple systems.

I began motherhood with hopes and dreams that I could navigate my days confidently with purpose, live intentionally, find joy and contentment in everyday life, and have God’s help and strength in this lifelong journey.

The reality of those first few years was that I was in complete survival mode, I felt guilty a lot of the time, I had no clue what my days should look like, and I was snappy and irritable with my family.  I was lost, overwhelmed, and desperate a lot of the time.

Eventually I'd my way out of survival mode and started to get my feet under me. I'd get more sleep.  It was easier to be kind to my husband and kids.  I started making progress on my goals.

Then I would get sick. Or pregnant.  Or my husband’s work load would be really heavy. Or we would move.  Or my child would be sick. 

And I would slide right back down to suffering through survival mode.

I was tired of existing and going through the motions of my day.

Tired of staring at walls being with my child and feeling guilty for not being productive AND feeling guilty for not enjoying sitting there with them. 

Tired of not having a clean house or routines and feeling like I should. 

Tired of not knowing who I was and feeling lost. 

Tired of not having a point to my day other than feeding kids, doing laundry, having children's routines and activities, and hanging out at the park with friends. 

I loved my children and husband.  I was grateful for my friends.  I was grateful for our three little grad school apartments (spoiler alert: we survived and my husband is now a professor - if you've been there, you know) that we'd lived in during my daughters first year of life.

But every day I lived with so much guilt. I always felt like I should be doing something else. And I rarely felt the joy that was around me.

I had also reached the place of desperate determination to figure out who I was and what motherhood would look like for me and my family.

I decided the next logical step was to get a planner. In college I lived in my Franklin Covey two-pages-a-day planner to manage my classes, the job that paid my way through, and our newlywed days of marriage.

But when I became a mom I hardly used it.  Sometimes I would sit down and declare, “Today is the day I will get organized and start planning again!” But it was so discouraging to quickly see those plans derailed because of a baby’s nap going too long or short.  

Even worse were the days when I had nothing to write down and I’d wonder what was the point of planning at all.

So then I tried writing to-do lists but I would feel completely overwhelmed because it never ended and I would run myself in the ground trying to get things checked off my ever growing list.

But as I lay in bed during my four month recovery from an illness I contracted at the hospital when delivering my second child, I knew I needed a way to capture all the ideas I was having of things I wanted to do for our family or with our kids. 

I needed a way to discover who I was and what I wanted and actually make progress on those things in the small pockets of time I had through the day.

And I needed a way to manage all the essentials that come with mom life.

Because I knew that even with my young family there WAS time.  I just spent those precious moments wandering around the house or checking my phone trying to figure out what I wanted to do on my list and then the moment had passed.


While I did laundry and made dinner dinner, listened to podcasts and audiobooks about productivity, goal setting, and business management systems.

As I learned about how our brains actually manage ideas and how businesses get things done, I designed a few simple systems based on my research that changed everything for me.

Now I look back at my almost twenty-five year old struggling self with the love and compassion of a big sister.  

Nine years, two cross country moves, and two more children later, we are living a beautiful, full life that I love.  

I never would have guessed that I'd be spending my time podcasting and running a business to help other moms create lives they don't have to escape from, while homeschooling my four kids, and spending afternoons working on projects and adventuring with them.  

Our house is easy to clean and get ready for the next gathering, project, read-aloud, play session, or dance party.

We eat nourishing meals around the table three times a day (homeschooling for us means we cook a lot too!).

My husband and I figured out how to pull huge loads together instead of feeling isolated in the struggle and I'm grateful to be doing life together with him every day.

And after years of feeling like I thought God would help me in motherhood but I couldn't feel it, I now create my day with Him and see His involvement in my life all day long.

I end the day grateful for all my big wins and the magic moments that fill the hours with my family and friends.

A few key breakthroughs that were essential to my success (and yours too...):

  1. Plan your weeks, not your days.

    This is where I went horribly wrong when I pulled out my old planner as a new mom. There really is a lot of unpredictability within your days, but within a week you can get a pretty good idea of what you can accomplish and actually check everything off your to-do list. This is how you build in flexibility but still create a clear plan you can execute.

  2. Be realistic, not idealistic.

    Do you enjoy playing a game you always lose? Of course not! When you write out a long to-do list for your day ( it's your week - see breakthrough #1) that you can never accomplish or fill up your schedule that drives you to burn out, you are choosing to lose. Instead, you need to make some hard decisions upfront of what you will say yes to, what you will say no to, and then enjoy accomplishing your shorter but do-able plan.

  3. Go slow, make it stick.

    This applies to you AND your family. We often want to fix all the things, all at once. But for true success you need to pick one or two things to focus on until they are working well. Then you can tackle the next thing. Change takes time, but instead of fighting it, you can embrace it and let momentum work for you by going slow and making it stick. It might seem like there isn't much progress by next Thursday, but four weeks, four months, and four years from now you won't even be able to believe the progress you've made.

  4. This is a journey of becoming, and you can celebrate and enjoy every step of the way.

    You don't really "arrive" at a final destination. There is always something to learn, improve, get better at, or problem to solve. But who you become in the process of all of it is what matters the most. Which means there aren't really interruptions to your plans - just opportunities to grow in different ways than you were expecting.

You can implement these simple, customizable systems to your unique life too...and start to make progress on things that matter to you this week.


Win Your Week Academy

The Busy Mom’s Blueprint to Do More of What You Want to Do

Without Neglecting the Things You Need to Do.

"I have systems that let our day flow smoothly."

"Before participating in Win Your Week Academy we had no systems in our house.

We had no routines.

I was stuck in research mode figuring out how I do homeschool? How do I do it consistently and with some level of discipline? How do I build a business and find meaningful work?

Without Win Your Week Academy, I wouldn't have known how to organize it. It was all just like spaghetti in my brain.

Now our days have clear structure to them and I go at a pace that is sustainable even with homeschooling, participating in our community, and running a non profit from home in the afternoon.

- Mackenzie S.

What You Get

When You Join

Instant access to six modules with video lessons.

Each module covers one essential fundamental

of creating a winning week, along with application

exercises to see the change in your own life.

Module 1

Foundational Principles for Success

The reality is that what works for my life and circumstances is going to be different than what works for yours. However, there are timeless, researched backed principles that will empower any mom to design a winning week. So we start by covering these essential principles and how they apply to you.

How to not just do this yourself with but your family on board.

How to use Puzzle Strategy to customize strategies and systems for your own unique life and circumstances

How to use the the Ice Cube Principle to move past discouragement and overwhelm to see real progress

How to master the art and skill of choosing your next actions to make massive progress on your projects, goals, and habits

What to do if you end up in a survival season and all of the progress you are making gets interrupted.

How to successfully do your first weekly PEACE planning session (I guide you through the whole process - it's fun!)

Module 2

Clarify What You Need And Want To Do

The number one reason we don’t have winning weeks is we don't know what we want actually want to be doing specifically. I often hear moms (and I can still catch myself doing this too!) complaining about not having enough time, but if the whole day opened up there wouldn't be a clear enough plan to make much progress on the things that matter to us. This is why we are going to solve the clarity problem first.

How to create your vision for the year and get specific about what you want to do and who you want to become.

How to take your vision and turn it into something actionable.

How to make goals as a mom without the mom guilt.

How to plan your quarter and choose the goals, projects, and habits you will work on (and how many is realistic!).

How to plan your month so you are doing the things you need and want to do and still taking care of yourself.

A guided walkthrough of your next weekly PEACE planning session (because you are ready to take it to the next level).

Module 3

Use Your Energy Most Effectively

The second reason we don’t have winning weeks is actually our limited energy (still not time!). While there are a variety of things you can do to increase energy, in this module we are going to focus on maximizing the energy you do have because sometimes you don't have lots of control of the amount (I've had years of chronic health challenges to practice).

How to use the connection between energy and your thoughts to your advantage.

How to align your tasks and schedule with your energy to maximize what you accomplish each day.

A simple, five minute process that will generate energy and momentum for your projects, goals, and habits.

Step-by-step walkthroughs of how to do weekly, monthly, and quarterly reviews in the Thriving in Motherhood Planner (or your planning tool of choice) - which are off the charts effective in energy management.

Module 4

Use Your Time Most Effectively

The third reason we don’t have winning weeks is decision fatigue. When we can create a predictable flow to our days (for ourselves and our children), there are less fires to put out and less fighting and resistance when everyone knows what to expect. You are also to use the time you have well because it can be intentionally planned for when you know what's coming. Also, it's the secret to having time by yourself EVERY DAY to do the things you want to do.

How to establish anchors in your day that everyone can expect.

How to automate the things that happen each week so you don't have to remember them.

How to build in flexibility and space for the unexpected.

How to create space for you each day without the mom guilt.

How to make your time do more for you.

Module 5

Create A To-Do List You Can Actually Accomplish

The fourth reason we don’t have winning weeks is we drown ourselves in never ending to-do lists. Our brains focus on what we didn't get done (and if you keep adding to the list, it doesn't get done) instead of what we accomplished, and it feels like losing. In this module we will tackle the latest researched back productivity principles to get more done than you ever thought possible and check everything off each week.

How to evaluate and improve the quality of your tasks.

How to identify and implement leveraged tasks each week.

How to automate the things you need to do to create space for what you want to do.

How to create habits that stick.

How to create a 2nd brain so you don't have to remember essentials.

How to design family systems that last.

How to have effective family meetings.

What tools support your family systems.

Module 6

Remove Resistance and Feel Joy

Unfortunately you can get a lot of things done and still not feel joy, fulfilled, or enjoy motherhood. In this module we will implement the essential practices you need to completely change how you experience motherhood and close the gap to feel the hope and joy we are seeking.

How to not make things harder than they need to be.

How to create your day with God.

How to create your own Thriving Thoughts that bring you peace.

How to stay in your circle of influence.

How to know what to focus on right now.

My favorite books to help you have more joy in you days.

Plus Extras To

Keep You On Track

private community (no social media)

Thriving in Motherhood Collective

The hardest part about doing things in motherhood is feeling like you are all alone and nobody but you cares what you do.

But in Win Your Week Academy, you're not alone.

There are other women who are learning and applying the same principles and working on making their individual visions for their life a reality.

And when you join Win Your Week Academy, you get exclusive access to the private group with other moms where you can ask questions, share updates and wins, and make sure that someone besides you cares if you do the things you said you would do.

mini course

Create Your Vision

This video series will guide you through this essential step-by-step process to create your vision for the year. Included is the Create Your Vision Workbook to make it as simple and easy as possible to fit into the pockets of time in your day.

EXCLUSIVE Access - Coming soon!

Win Your Week Notion Template

Implement everything you are learning right onto your computer or phone with this notion template. All planning routines, project and task management, resources and notes are built directly into this complete second brain system. Use it just while you are learning the principles in the program or make it the backbone of your digital organization long term.

But wait!

There's more...

video training

Planning With Your Spouse

Planning together is a crucial practice to develop interdependence in marriage and support each other in your own goals and dreams. You will learn what you each can do to prepare individually for each planning session and ways to communicate effectively when you are together. My husband Andrew and I will walk you through our weekly planning meeting together so you can start or fine tune this practice with your spouse.


Plan With Me Series

I have spent years guiding women through planning sessions. In this video series it is like I'm sitting down with you one-on-one for your daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly planning. We also talk about what planning looks like in different seasons.

exclusive video training

Planning Refresh Exercise

Every few months things change - kids naps schedules, school schedules, and the weather! This training and worksheet will help you quickly figure out how to reset your days to calm the crazy as quickly as possible.

Implementing essential, simple systems is the ANTIDOTE to overwhelm.

I created Win Your Week Academy to give you the exact systems and skills I use to get from surviving motherhood to creating a smooth running home where there is space for everybody - including mom!

The reality is survival mode is part of life.

Whether it is a difficult pregnancy or postpartum, cross country moves, sick children, busy seasons with your husband's job, surgeries or health challenges, we all face bumps in the road that disrupts normal life.

I've frequently found myself in survival mode during the last 11 years of motherhood.

But I'm not scared of those hard seasons anymore because I understand why I'm surviving and exactly what I need to do to get out of it.

And because of the systems and skills I teach in the course, I'm also able to keep making progress on the things that matter to me, learn life changing lessons, grow closer to God, and see the miracles in those survival seasons.

I believe we need mothers who are using their gifts and talents and building strong families no matter the circumstances of the world - and that is done by implementing the systems found here in Win Your Week Academy.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What makes the members of Win Your Week Academy and all the testimonials I’ve seen so successful?

Win Your Week Academy was specifically designed with moms who have children at home in mind.  What makes this program different from other motherhood courses can be broken into three distinct reasons:

#1. Researched Back Principles - This course isn’t about what worked for one person, but what science is telling us about productivity, habit building, system design, and how our brains work.  

#2. Customizable Plan - Everyone one of you is unique and has unique family situations.  Win Your Week Academy shows you how to craft the right plan for your life based on the vision you’ve created for yourself.  Then, you get the exact steps necessary and support to execute your plan.

#3 Community -  When we go on a trip with friends it becomes an adventure! Our every other week meetings transform a group of strangers into good friends who cheer each other on and celebrate the victories.  This is the #1 favorite part of everyone who has participated in Win Your Week Academy. 

This sounds overwhelming. How much time will this course take to implement?

If this program sounds like a lot, it just might be because you feel overwhelmed with life right now. And you’re trying to imagine how you’ll add this program to your existing to-do list.

Win Your Week Academy is the ANTIDOTE to overwhelm.  It is designed to help you get clarity on your vision and align your actions and current to-do list and schedule so you can create a life you love to live. 

Also, you have LIFETIME ACCESS to the program.  

If survival mode hits (and if your life is anything like mine, it might) you can use these principles to still make progress on making your vision a reality AND get help navigating the surviving days.  That is my particular area of expertise.

We’ve had mothers with all different life challenges successfully complete this program (9 months pregnant and had their baby partway through, health challenges, moving across the country) - and they all reported that this program helped them navigate these events and circumstances with clarity and confidence with how to spend their time and energy.

So, if you can commit an hour a week to the training and action steps, you can begin to see a whole new level of growth and progress in your life immediately.

What can I expect once I enroll in your Win Your Week Academy?

Upon completing your enrollment, you will receive an email immediately with your purchase receipt and login details.

The program has six modules and assignments for you to watch, work through, and share your progress in the Thriving in Motherhood Collective at your own pace.

You will have lifetime access to the course materials and bonuses AND any updates and developments moving forward.

What is the guarantee/refund policy for Win Your Week Academy?

It matters to me that Win Your Week Academy is a great fit for you.  I understand that our time as moms is precious and limited, so I value that you are investing in yourself to learn skills and tools that will last you and your family a lifetime.  

My past students know that this program has empowered them to create a motherhood that they are excited to wake up to, reach their goals, and navigate hard days and changing seasons that come with family life.  

But, if you get inside this program and it isn't working for you, all you need to do is contact me at [email protected] within 30 days and I’ll gladly  refund your investment. There is no risk for you to give this a try and see if it works for you!

Is there any support available if I have questions or get stuck?

As a member of Win Your Week Academy, I want you to know I’m there for you!.  You have TWO unique ways to get the support and feedback you need!

#1 The Private Thriving in Motherhood Collective. This is your community.  This is your chance to ask questions and get feedback and support in the online community where you can post your questions and get feedback.

#2 Soaring Mothers Society. This is a membership for women who want to have accountability and support as they work not only through the Win Your Week Academy program but also on their own goals and projects.  We meet the last Thursday and first Tuesday of every month to celebrate the previous month and plan the next month or quarter.  I meet with you in your small groups and answer any questions you have as well.

Do I need to have the Thriving in Motherhood Planner?

If you have a notebook or planner you already love, then absolutely keep using it!  You can take the principles and apply it to what is already working for you.

The Thriving in Motherhood Planner has all of the principles built into it that we teach in this course, so it's a great option if you want a done-for-you planning system.  If you have the Thriving in Motherhood Planner you will get clarity about what you want to do this year.  The Win Your Week Academy course will give you the how to when it comes to creating time and energy to accomplish those things, build family systems and rhythms to support what you want your days to look like, and empower you to experience the joy that comes with progress and embracing this season of life.

Have a winning week this week.

Enroll in Win Your Week Academy now and spend your

time and energy on the things that matter most to you.



  • 55 video lessons

  • 6 online training modules

  • Downloadable PDF workbook

  • Thriving in Motherhood Collective community

  • Create your vision mini course

  • Win your week notion template

  • Bonus: Planning with your spouse training

  • Bonus: Guided planning series

  • Bonus: Planning refresh exercise

Hi, I'm Jessica.

I began motherhood with hopes and dreams that I could navigate my days confidently with purpose, live intentionally, find joy and contentment in everyday life, and have God’s help and strength in this lifelong journey.


I was in complete survival modeI felt guilty a lot of the time.

I had no clue what my days should look like.

I was snappy and irritable with my family.

Can you relate?

The good news - I closed the gap between what I hoped was possible and my reality.

And you can too.

I'm looking forward to seeing you inside Win Your Week Academy — and seeing how it can transform you life.

Jessica Jackson

Creator, Win Your Week Academy